Monday, October 7, 2013


Every morning before dawn, I lace on my boots and hike through the Angeles National Forrest. This is where I recharge my energy and draw inspiration from unspoiled nature.
Guided by moonlight, I watch my feet dance the thin trails, careful to not step on  rattlesnakes poised ready to strike out at unsuspecting prey. 
At the top of the lowest peek is where I sit down on the earth's brown skin. My quiet mind focuses on my breath, relaxed and centered in the moment. Today my intention is to be grateful without attachment to outcome...

In my daily life, I seek inspiration from nature and my connection to source. I can feel the I Am presence on my simple hike through the woods.
I can use this as inspiration in my writing in so many ways. In life, all of us are kinda like hikers on a path. Some tread lightly and some make a huge footprint kicking dust in the faces of those coming behind. 
My inspiration guides my writing style now. lol. When I think nature, my writing seems to come to life. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Plumeria Tree

My story is about a Plumeria tree given to me before it's original owners left for Japan. Laying eyes on my neighbor's tree for the first time was breath taking. The tree was a lanky 6 feet tall, that had three branches with huge tropical looking leaves that sprouted beautiful yellow flowers with a scent that only nature could mix. It was beautiful but still seemed neglected. It's smile didn't seem genuine. I would notice the plant on an upstairs balcony in a too small container, trying to do whatever it could to get the attention it so wanted but the newlyweds would walk by everyday stopping only to pour a few cups of water here and there.I watched the tree from my patio every morning while talking to and giving a shower to my outdoor companions. As I thanked them for the fruit they were bearing, I made sure I kissed everyone's leaves or as many as I could that represented each tree and there were many. My patio was a tight squeeze this spring, everyone decided to show off that Spring with the beautiful colors of assorted fruits and vegetables. Sometimes, I would point the sprayer to the other patio in hopes some droplets land on the huge Plumeria with the beautiful yellow flowers next door.
One day there was a knock at my door. Looking through the peep hole I could see my newlywed neighbors standing there with the Plumeria tree in the small container. Smiling but not knowing what to expect, I opened the door and my neighbor says "We're leaving for Japan, and I think this tree would be happy left with you." I was so moved to tears as I thanked them and took the beautiful Plumeria tree to the patio where we made room.
 Imagine it sitting next to another object of its kind but of much better of much worse quality. What is it thinking about that other object? 
I believe there was a connection between the Plumeria, me and the happy plants that were next door. They recognize and have a communication all their own. Ms Plumeria felt very special when she scooted in between the orange and pomegranate tree. Her leaves never drooped and she immediately sprung two more flowers even though she was confined to the too small pot.How does it feel being compared to it?
She never felt less than. She bloomed wherever she was and kept the intention of someday making it to where she wanted to be.Now, what advice would this object give you if it could talk?
No matter the circumstances, continue doing what you were made to do and the Universe will have your back! :=)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

About the author

    Debra Murphy is a student at the Southern Institute of Healing Arts. She is currently studying holistic nutrition, hypnotherapy and other healing modalities. Debra's intention is to help others understand the food/mood connection and assist in clearing out old ideas while changing the thought process. Through balance, her clients discover good health and vitality using a combination of therapies and are able to create the life they desire.